An Education On PTSD

Business Blog

Years ago, PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) was called "shell shock" and it was considered to be a diagnosis reserved for those who fought in wars. However, it is now known that PTSD can affect anyone who has gone through a traumatic event in which they feared for the well-being or life of themselves or someone else. Much more is known about PTSD in recent days than in the past. However, there is still more to learn, as the brain is complex, and each individual will have their own history, experience, severity, and symptoms. Here are some of the things you may find educational when it comes to PTSD.

PTSD can occur immediately or later

When a person experiences a traumatic event, they can almost immediately begin to experience symptoms of PTSD. However, in some cases the symptoms won't show up until later; years later in many cases. Post-traumatic stress disorder that shows up at least six months later is known as delayed onset PTSD. While little is known about why some people experience delayed on-set symptoms, this is more commonly found in elderly patients who experienced traumatic events much earlier in life. In some cases, it may be that an elderly person exhibiting symptoms is misdiagnosed with a form of dementia.  

PTSD has many possible symptoms

There are some more common symptoms many afflicted with this condition tend to experience, such as nightmares, anxiety attacks, heightened startle reflexes, and flashbacks. However, there is a very long list of possible symptoms and each patient can experience any variety of them and to varying degrees. Also, some of the symptoms of this condition are also symptoms of other conditions. Mental illnesses often seem to have symptoms that overlap with other mental illness diagnoses. For example, someone may develop obsessive-compulsive symptoms with their PTSD, or they may develop agoraphobic symptoms.

PTSD has triggers

A person with this illness will have triggers that can cause them to have anxiety, a full-blown panic attack, or flashbacks. The triggers generally start as ones that in some way remind them of the initial traumatic event. However, a person can end up with new triggers when something else adds to their stress. For example, a person who has PTSD due to a bank robbery may end up also fearing ringing phones after receiving bad news over the phone. Sometimes, new triggers occur for no apparent reason at all. Changes in circumstance can cause some triggers to go away, while others are found. This makes it difficult for someone to successfully avoid all possible triggers.

PTSD can be hard to treat

Finding the right balance of medications is important for the treatment of this illness. While some people may find counseling to help them in some ways, counseling is not enough to treat the condition. It can also never be cured and will always be present to some extent. However, the right medications can help a person to feel much better and gain control over their life. Medications may need to be changed or increased for a variety of reasons, including new stressors or sudden changes in one's life.

For more information, reach out to a center providing PTSD treatment near you.


27 June 2019

Learning About Building A Dedicated Team Of Employees

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